Rilakkuma Panda Series!

I’m so excited to finally get these Rilakkuma Panda Series plushes! Every single bear is adorable, and the store limited ones have officially overtaken last year’s Stripes Stripes Everyday Limited Edition as my favourites.

Since I got the store limited edition plushes, I didn’t feel the need to get the standard releases. The store limited edition plushes are, as always, much much nicer – cuter designs, better attention to detail. The standard plushes on the other hand are usually just Rilakkuma/Korilakkuma/Kiiroitori in a costume.
Store limited edition Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma panda plushes:

Too adorable for words. Rilakkuma is holding his panda head hat. Korilakkuma has her own panda vehicle, complete with a tiny steering wheel! Literally as soon as I saw the photos of the panda series, my only thought was “MINE!!!”
Rilakkuma panda caravan plush:

Rilakkuma doing what he does best – chilling out with a panda dango in hand. Too. Cute!
Rilakkuma panda life ring plush:

Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma panda keychain plushes:

I’ve pre-ordered this Rilakkuma panda set (product ID RLKK118) below from the San-X Net Shop. It will be released mid-October – can’t wait!

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