My skincare routine

At the request of the sweet Raspy here’s my daily facial skincare routine – excluding body creams etc that I use after showering since I almost have a separate cream for every part of me (not kidding :P) Cleanser ♠ Clarisonic Skincare Brush (probably the most awesome beauty invention ever) with boscia Clear Complexion Cleanser … Read more

Obsessed with paraben free products

In the past few months I’ve been purchasing nothing but organic/natural skincare & makeup products. Although I’ve found no concrete evidence that parabens and other artificial ingredients are bad for the skin (surely they have to be “safe” if regulated by beauty industry standards), I decided to remove them – or as much as possible … Read more

A lot of stuff from Ekilove

Major eye candy post coming up… I always rave about how cute and well made Eki‘s handmade items are, and every time she puts up a new batch I usually find myself snapping up some items. These consist of several hauls from Eki xD Babydoll couture pouch – a very pretty princessy pouch with pink … Read more