0 thoughts on “Buying Japanese Goodies – FromJapan vs Tenso”

  1. Great blog! Really useful as I am trying to start a UK based e-shop specialising in Japanese culture, sweets, biscuits etc…

    Currently running into problems using FromJapan as their costs just build and build! Its cost me more in domestic shipping and fees than it has to send a 11kg parcel 6000miles to the UK!

    I hope to hear from you as Id love to hear more about your ventures in Japan.

    Simon John Wilkin (swilk7@hotmail.com)

  2. Great blog! Really useful as I am trying to start a UK based e-shop specialising in Japanese culture, sweets, biscuits etc…

    Currently running into problems using FromJapan as their costs just build and build! Its cost me more in domestic shipping and fees than it has to send a 11kg parcel 6000miles to the UK!

    I hope to hear from you as Id love to hear more about your ventures in Japan.

    Simon John Wilkin (swilk7@hotmail.com)

  3. Is there a good way to avoid custom duties? Because everytime they catch me 🙁 FromJapan is good service, but EMS is realy fagot!!!

  4. It really depends on what you buy and the value of your package. If you're in the UK, in my experience, FJ packages sent via EMS are very likely to be stopped by customs.


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